Based on WHO reports about 115 million children aged under 5 years are suffering from underweight and 178 million children aged younger than 5 years are stunted. About one fourth of children in developing countries in Asia and Africa are suffering from malnutrition. Malnourished children are more likely to present with gastrointestinal infections and have increased diarrheal disease severity with higher mortality rate. Hence in recent decade administering probiotic in order to prevent infectious diseases like diarrhea has being increased. Probiotics are products containing live microorganisms that, “when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host and balance microflora”. Researches have shown that using probiotic is effective in prevention and treatment of infectious diarrhea, antibiotic induced diarrhea, necrotizing enterocolitis, allergy, helicobacter pylori infections and infant’s colitis.
Active substance: Bifidobacterium lactis
Other ingredients: Magnesium stearate, Maltodextrin
Dosage:1×109 CFU/Sachet
Why use
• Prevention and treatment of antibiotic induced diarrhea
• Improving digestive problems
• Improving immune system
• Prevention and treatment of infectious diarrhea
• improving food allergy effects in children (skin reactions like rash and eczema, digestive problems like cramps and abdominal pains and vomiting).
• Improving gastroenteritis symptoms
• Prevention and treatment of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Recommended use
Take 1-2 sachets daily in water, milk or juice (do not add to hot water or milk)
Mechanisms of action
• Increase bifidobacteria total count in feces and decrease clostridia and entrobacteriacea and improve microflora.
• Produce acid lactic and short chain fatty acids as final fermentation products that lowers intestinal pH
• Help in water and ion absorption in intestines through SCFAs absorption in intestine epithelial cells.
• Increase phagocyte activity and IgA production
• Decrease pH and calprotectin in feces
• Improve mucus immunity by increasing IgA production
• Improve nutrition absorption in intestines and increase head circumference in preterm infants.
• Decrease pH in intestine and inhibit pathogen like E.coli or Clostridium perfringens
• Improve nutrient absorption in intestines, weight gain and body mass index improve digestive problems and food movement in cases like diarrhea and constipation.
• Produce butyrate that is the main source of energy for colon cells and main cause of cell differentiation and growth
• Synthesize essential vitamins like group B vitamins
• Compete with microbial and viral pathogen over adhesion sites in epithelial cells
• Positive regulation of mucus membrane that is a separating barrier of lumen from epithelial cells
• Enhancing mucosal barriers in mucosal membrane layers and improve its Selective permeability
• Improve innate immunity that improves immune responses to wide range of microorganisms
• Decrease serum IgE level in food allergy in children
• Increase Treg cell expression and decrease Th17 cell expression in children with food allergies
• Increase expression of immune system modulator cytokine genes (foxp3 and TGF-BETA) RELATED TO Treg and decrease inflammatory cytokins (IL-17A and IL23) related to Th17 that will improve skin and digestive complications in food allergies in children
Side effects
In some cases, using this product may lead to bloat and gas in gastro intestinal tract at the beginning but it will disappear after a while. consult with your physician if any other side effects are observed.
In preterm infants with less than 1000 gr body weight administrating bifidobacterim animalis substrain lactis with caution and under medical supervision. In case of immune deficiency before abdominal surgery, heart valve disease short bowel syndrome mesenteric ischemia risk and using wide range antibiotics. Surgery probiotic should be used under doctor supervision.
Drug interaction
Use with caution in children that use immunosuppressive drugs.
Keep for 2 years in cool and dry places with temperature of 25 °C
Results of clinical trials on Bifidobacterium animalis, substrain lactis
Researches have shown that administrating bifidobacterium animalis substrain lactis in preterm infants will increase bifidobacteria total count in feces and decrease clostridia and entrobacteriacea and improve microflora. In addition, this bacteria can decrease pH, calprotectin in feces and intestine permeability and increase IgA concentration and short chain fatty acids in feces. Short chain fatty acids have important role in intestine. These acids are the most important energy source for intestine cells and maintain their health. On the other hand, short chain fatty acids decrease pH that inhibits pathogens like E.coli and clostridium perfringens growth (Zajewska H et al).
In breastfed infants, intestine microflora makes a lot of acetate and lactate during fermentation process but in infants that are fed by dry milk powder fermentation process will produce a lot of propionate and butyrate. Studies have shown that feeding infants by dry milk powder that contains bifidobacterium animalis sub strain lactis will change the metabolic activity in them in a way that the final fermentation products are the same as breastfed infants (Bakker-Zierikzee AM et al).
Investigations have shown that infants that ore born by cesarean section and are not breastfed have immunity deficiencies. Adding bifidobacterium animalis substrain lactis to their dry milk powder will improve their immune system and nutrition and improve their health. (Holscher HD et al) it was improved that bifidobacterium animalis substrain lactis can improve immune responses (Rizzardini G et al). In addition, consuming these kind of dry milk powders in infants born to HIV-positive women increase weight gaining and body mass index in infants significantly (Steenhout PG et al).
In a clinical trial that was done on pre term infants for 4 weeks it was proven that administration of bifidobacterium anmalis substrain lactis improved intestinal absorption and increased head circumference. (Vitteta et al). In a study that was done on healthy children it was concluded that using dry milk powder that contained these bacteria has improved acute diarrhea. (Chouraqui JP et al). In a research that was done by Qingbin et al on 256 children with food allergies that have digestive symptoms (diarrhea and vomiting) and skin reactions like
utecaria and rash it was shown that administraiting bifidobacterium lactis has significantly decreas IgE serum level, increase Treg cell expression and decrease Th17 cells expression in these children that improved digestive and dermal clinical symptoms.